Since it got a bit too late yesterday, I have quite a long sleep again. My wind protected tent spot, on a soft grassy patch, allowed for a really good sleep! It is actually more comfortable than sleeping on the hard wooden floor of the mini hut in Kilpisjärvi.

Since I am greeted by a hungry cluster of mosquitos, pitching down the tent and my morning-breakfast-routine go by surprisingly quick.

Today the sun is hiding behind clouds and the valleys surrounding me are wrapped in mist. A constant cold wind blows. It feels very remote, but maybe this is just because of the contrast to yesterday and the lack of day tourists. The terrain becomes more rocky, but between the boulders and rocks it is still very green.

The Moskánjárvri lake can be crossed on the north and the south side. I chose to cross it in the South. Because of that, I missed out on seeing the Måskohytta. But like all Norwegian Mountain Cabins it is most likely in an outstanding shape. I do not have a DNT-key, which is required to access them, and the southern route is apparently more scenic.

A video to provide a 360° impression of the surrounding.

I meet a couple with two dogs, which are each equipped with dog-backpacks. Seems like a quite clever idea to reduce the weight on ones own back! However, they are hiking in the opposite direction and we part after a short greeting.

The area is marked by rocky terrain, swampy patches and some stream crossings so I get wet feet every now and then.

Where Rostahytta is marked on my map, I find not only one but three huts. All of them are in a very good condition. It is a bit odd to me that there are so many beds provided, even though it seems like there are not many people around. Perhaps they are used more in the winter by snowmobile users.
Anyways, one of the huts is unlocked and I have my lunch at a proper table.

The walk from Rostahytta to Dærtahytta is marked by very rocky terrain and often only stone cairns indicate the presence of a path.

While descending down to Dærtahytta (Norwegian Mountain Cabin), which lays at the feet of Hárvvesoaivi (1088m), a stunning view into the valley to the West opens up. Because of this view I decide to stay for the night to enjoy it a bit longer!

There are already two other hikers in the hut. Since they opened the hut and it is very nice I decide to stay there. Payment is required and trust based. One has to fill out a small form with credit card information and submit it to a locked letter box. The beds are surprisingly comfortable and even blankets are provided!